Anne Arundel County Northern District Resources Information
On-Line Request:
Public Works:
Emergency life threating(fire, police, ambulance) 911
Non-Emergency Police Northern District(vandalism, suspicious activity) 410-222-8610
Anonymous local drug hotline(Report suspected drug activity) 1-800-752-DRUG (3784)
Emergency Dispatch, Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) 410-260-8888
Emergency Operation center: storm related( food, shelter, dialysis, non-road items 410-222-8040
Stormwater Pond Maintenenance 410-222-7190
Public Works, emergency snow removal, road flooding, pot holes, trash clean up, tress across roads, down street signs, etc. 410-222-6120
Bulk Item Removal 410-222-6104
Street lights out 410-222-7432
Utility power outages-BGE 1-877-778-2222
Anne Arundel Co. Health Dept. (normal hours) well & sewage problems 410-222-8400
Land erosion & sediment control issues 410-222-7191
Zoning(business rules, enforcement) 410-222-7437
Animal control 410-222-8900
Health Care Questions 1-800-636-8773
Maryland Dept of Agriculture-Mosquito Section -Anne Arundel: 410-841-5870